The longest down-river SUP race in JAPAN
ULTRA T80とは多摩川上流青梅市御岳から東京湾羽田、激流からフラットウォーターまでバラエティに富んだ80kmをSUPで下るダウンリバーレース。T80のTは東京と東京のT、ロゴのハートマークは、”I Love 多摩川”のラブとこの長距離を漕ぎきる強いハートを表しています。
T80 stands for Tama-river, 80km (50miles).Our Logo symbolize the strong heart and Love for the river.This is the ultimate down river race from the mountain to the ocean on the river that runs in the middle of the capital of Japan.First section of the river is class 2~2.5 white water rapid and the last part is almost flat water( sometimes we got the upagainst current and strong against wind).You will be able to enjoy the varieties of river flow in one day!
レース開催の目的 Purpose of the event
The main purpose of this event is to get people’s attention to the river.Having interest is the first step to protect the river as resources. We want to develop the River sport and River SUP in Tama-river which is a great paddle activity field and playground.Connecting people and people , people and nature by paddling.

ULTRA T80が目指す目標 Our Goal
2011年に初めて行った御岳ー羽田80kmダウンリバーはいつの間にかTeam CABBOの毎年恒例の行事となった。仲間と一緒に13〜16時間かけて川と一体となり海を目指す旅がこのレースの発端です。CABBOブランドテーマである旅、冒険、チャレンジ、フィールドクロスオーバー、ULTRA T80はこれらが一つになったようなイベント。
“The river event everyone can enjoy”
Team CABBO did the first whole Tama-river paddling from the mountain to the sea on SUP in 2011, since then it became our annual routine event of the year.Spending whole day with friends on the river, paddling down to the sea,, and the idea occurred “It would be fun we make this into a race event.” This is how the ULTRA T80 started.
Our dream and goal is to make this into “THE river event everyone can enjoy”.Just like Tokyo marathon or Honolulu marathon on the river ,from the top athlete to the beginners can participate and have fun on the water.
The short ,medium and long-term plans
There will be a lot of obstacles and problems, paper works on our way because this kind of river event has never been done before here in Japan.We start small and then build it up little by little, keep it real:).
Phase 1 “Extreme race”
First 2~3 years, this ULTRA T80 is positioned as self-responsibled-extremer’s time trial. The first 2017 one was the proof of concept.
Phase 2 “Adventurous down-river race”
4 or 5 years later, it becomes official river race. Firm operation management and safety system runs the race so that more paddler can participate.Not only the top paddler but also the intermediates can enjoy.
Phase 3 “River marathon everyone can enjoy”
In 10 years, we will make variety of categories so that the extreme paddlers and the familiy can have great experience on the same river. example) “Family challenge course” in the last 10km in Raft boat, “Relay”category so that you can try in the team in SUP ,raft, kayak,,,Many people having fun on the same river on the day.This is our dream and the goal. When you or your friend/ family paddles the whole Tama-river, the river becomes “MY river”. and that is the first step “protect the river resources through participation ”
このレースはBREAKEROUT(CABBOの親ブランド) の35周年を記念したイベントでもあります。BREAKEROUTがウェットスーツを作って来た歴史は日本のオーシャンスポーツの歴史と言っても過言ではない。そんな豊かな経験を生かし35年経った今も留まることを知らず、常に進化をするべく今後はリバーにも本格的に取り組んでいくという同ブランドの意思表明でもある。
ULTRA T80実行委員長、藤村育三よりメッセージ
Message from Ikuzo Fujimura,the founder of ULTRA T80
日本一長いレースを作るにあたって、リサーチのため2017年8月アメリカ、ミズーリ川で行われた世界一長いリバーレース”Missouri American Water MR340″に参加して来ました。1000人以上のパドラーが550kmを制限時間88時間以内に漕ぐという非常にスケールの大きいものです。そこでは老若男女が様々な艇で色々な楽しみ方をしていましたが共通していることは一つ、レースが終わったらミズーリ川が大好きになっているということです。それまで「ミズーリ川は危ない、汚い」と思い込んで無関心だった市民がこのレースをきっかけに川に愛着を持ち環境問題にも敏感になってきたようです。ウルトラT80の理想をここに見ました。
ULTRA T80の趣旨に賛同しサポートしていただいている方々に心から感謝いたします。
Tama-river is the one of the great river that runs through Tokyo, through ULTRA T80 I want to spread the paddling sports and culture since we have the perfect field near by where we live.
To make the Japan’s longest river race, I went to Missouri USA to experience and research the World’s longest river race,MR340. More than 1000 people paddle 340miles in time limit of 88 hours.I saw men and women the youngs and the elders in every kind of boat and board, serious athletes , families ,fun paddlers.Everyone seems to be enjoying MR340 in their various ways but ALL OF THEM becomes fans of Missouri river after the race.It was surprising that people thought that Missouri river is dirty and dangerous before because of lack of interest and knowlege. BUT they realized it is not after participating MR340 and have more interest in environment issues around the river.I saw ULTRA T80 ‘s future in Missouri.
We have long way to go, but together let’s make a history.Thanks so much to all those who support ULTRA T80.